Thursday 14 March 2013

Love thy neighbour..and thee?

Love, affection, pampering and gifts ... for everyone, but what about you? Maybe it takes a while to get used to looking after ourselves at first as we in the West are culturally taught that self-care is related to belly button gazing and associated with being selfish, childish and self- centred.

Should we not be available for others in the same way they are available for us? Love, care and nurture are reciprocal actions of give and take. Looking after another is about listening to yourself, it is about observing yourself; loving is an action that is demonstrated both to yourself and to others through actions. It is as much about demanding as it is about forgiving.

Self-love is by far one of our most valuable plants. Begin to water it every day, offer it sunshine, but do not shy away from grey overcast days. A day of suffering involves the same amount of living as a day of joy, embrace every moment ... We will be with ourselves during our whole lives, no matter what, with whom and where we pass, we pass unconditionally.
 Take care, love and trust yourself.

1 comment:

  1. I am trying to learn and trust myself. I am getting there. It has been rough because my self has often wanted me to kill myself since I've been 15. Thankfully, that is no longer an option. I slowly am starting to like and love myself and in doing so I am improving all the relationships in my life : D.

    Great post.
