Sunday 8 March 2015

Power, Democracy & Drug Reform

Just wanted to share this excellent post by 

Associate Professor, Institute of Criminology
"The drug reform entrepreneurs may attempt to hail privileging cannabis as an incremental step in the right direction, but the widespread and growing public support, the momentum towards decriminalisation, and ultimately, regulation of all drugs, will be dissipated, and the scourge, oppression and madness of the Drug Apartheid, a historic affront to human rights, will continue to haunt this generation and future generations to come. The entire international system of drug control is flawed and needs naming, shaming and exposing for what it really is, and then entirely dismantled like the Berlin Wall and the South African Apartheid. There can no half measures, no continued support for this shameful period of history when drug laws and policy have caused considerably more harm than the drugs ever could".

You can read the whole article here.

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